Diagnosed with Perennial Allergies — Now What?

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The Allergy Sufferer’s Guide to Perennial Allergies

People often assume perennial allergies are related to plants and pollen. Seasonal allergies are what’s caused by airborne pollen but they can also occur throughout most of the year, depending on where you live. On the contrary, perennial allergies are just year-round allergies to allergens that are present throughout the entire year. These allergens are likely mold, dust mites, cockroaches, or rodents.

Now that you’ve been officially diagnosed with perennial allergies, here’s a breakdown of what you’re likely allergic to, treatment options, and how to avoid perennial-related allergens!

Mold Perennial Allergies

Risk Factors of Mold Allergies

An allergy to mold is fairly common. Especially since mold spores are airborne and easily inhaled. If you have been diagnosed with perennial allergies, there may be several risk factors behind why you suffer from them!

Speak with your family to see if there is a history of mold allergies and how they minimize their exposure to mold. Also ask if they have asthma, as this can increase your chances of developing asthma, too!

How to Reduce Exposure to Mold

With so many ways to become exposed to mold, here are just a handful of tips on how you can reduce your exposure:

  • Change or wash your shower curtains often and clean tile grout regularly.
  • Check your home’s humidity levels as mold thrives in moisture.
  • Use a dehumidifier to keep your air dry and clean often to ensure mold growth is at a minimum.
  • Poor ventilation can also be causing mold to grow, so open your windows at least once per day for ten or more minutes to air out your home.
  • Don’t let wet items sit in the washing machine as they can grow mold quickly.
  • Check your indoor and outdoor plants for mold or fungus.
  • Encapsulate your crawl space to avoid mold from circulating into your home.
  • Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink or old food in the refrigerator.
  • Fix any pipe or plumbing leaks as soon as possible.

Dust Mite Perennial Allergies

Risk Factors of Dust Mite Allergies

Like mold, dust mites are another allergen that exist virtually everywhere. A dust mite allergy typically develops in childhood due to exposure to dust mites or a family history. Almost every home has dust mites, so it’s likely that you have already been exposed to them.

How to Reduce Exposure to Dust Mites

Keep in mind that dust mites mainly live in fabrics and upholstered furniture. Do your best to stay on top of dust mite removal in your home by trying these tips:

  • Wash everything at least once a week in hot water to reduce the amount of mites in your home.
  • Wipe down surfaces frequently to reduce dust and areas where these mites like to feed and nest.
  • If possible, change out any carpet for hard flooring. Steam cleaning may kill the mites, but it’s their body and feces you are allergic to — so a dead dust mite can still cause an allergic reaction!
  • Use allergen-proof bedding to serve as a barrier between you and these pests.
  • Try air drying your bedding in the sun as mites prefer dark and moist places.

Cockroach Perennial Allergies

Risk Factors of Cockroach Allergies

Cockroaches are another pest that prefer to live in warm, dark, and most areas. Inside of homes, they’re often found in pipes, drains, basements, and so on.

A protein found in their body, saliva, and feces is what causes perennial allergies in humans. Cockroaches tend to trigger asthma in children more than any other allergen, so preventing them from coming into your home is essential. Not only do they cause allergies, but cockroaches carry (and spread) tons of diseases as well.

How to Reduce Exposure to Cockroaches

Although cockroaches are an insect, they eat protein such as meat. This is why a clean home and properly stored food items is a non-negotiable when dealing with an allergy to cockroaches. Follow these guidelines for preventing cockroaches:

  • Avoid attracting cockroaches by storing all food in air-tight containers.
  • Don’t leave pet food out in bowls.
  • Seal all cracks and openings in walls, windows, and any crevices that lead outside.
  • Clean up food and drink spills as quickly as possible.
  • Keep trash cans tightly covered.
  • Remove grease from stovetops.
  • Use strong odors such as mint or lavender essential oils to deter them.
  • Keep your home free of clutter to prevent nesting and hiding during the daytime.

Rodents Perennial Allergies

Risk Factors of Rodent Allergies

Rodent saliva, urine, and dander are also a culprit behind perennial allergies. Rodent allergens have been found in up to 82% of U.S. households, which means that your home is likely at risk. Those suffering from asthma are at a higher risk of experiencing symptoms when exposed to rodents, so do what you can to prevent rodents from making their way into your home!

How to Reduce Exposure to Rodents

These tiny critters are found in both rural and urban areas as they are not usually deterred by humans. Unfortunately, this means you must be proactive against rodents and do whatever you can to keep them out of your home.

  • Seal all possible entry points, rodents can fit into the smallest of crevices.
  • Keep all food items stored away in lockable bins that are also chew-proof.
  • Trim bushes and thick vegetation that is near your house.
  • Remove brush and wood piles from your property where they may be nesting.
  • Don’t store trash bins near your house or in your garage.
  • If you’re not allergic to cats or dogs, a pet can deter rats from entering your home.

Immunotherapy to Treat Perennial Allergies

Now that you know how to prevent perennial allergies, it’s time to manage your symptoms! Transdermal immunotherapy is the standard in allergy treatments, and our topical immunotherapy cream is the simplest way to desensitize your immune system from a perceived threat — aka allergens. To learn more about immunotherapy, schedule an appointment with one of our providers to get started.

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